Former dual enrollment student turning heads at Corporate College

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Aliza Khan could literally go to the moon.

At least that’s what James Gibbons, 波尔克州立企业学院计算机数控(CNC)讲师, believes. Currently in the CNC Machining course at Polk State, Khan, 18, has been turning heads since the day she arrived.

“我们使用的机器非常大,可能会令人生畏,但她一点也不害怕,” Gibbons said. “她对我们的笛卡尔坐标运动和径向运动的理解立刻就来了. Watching her smile while she does this is really a treat.”

Finding a passion

Khan第一次对工程和机械加工产生兴趣是在威尔士湖高中(Lake Wales High School)就读的时候. She already has Engineering Technology Support Specialist, Manufacturing Skills Standard Council (MSSC), and SolidWorks certifications from Polk State College.

“在我的高中生涯中,我对CNC课程产生了热情,”汗解释说. “Once I got into this program, I learned the mechanical part of it. 数控加工是澳门新葡京博彩编程和让机器做的工作. Learning the manual side is so much more hands-on. I love getting to know what’s going on and the logical reason why.”

With parents from Guyana, Khan is a first-generation American. 她每天从波因恰纳开车40分钟到澳门新葡京博彩的清泉先进技术中心。. 高强度、为期八周的课程让学生为需求旺盛的高薪职业做好准备.

“My parents are very supportive,” she said. “They’re happy I found a passion.”

An early accomplishment

In June, Khan traveled to Michigan where she was awarded the Dr. Irving Pressley McPhail Endowed Scholarship. The $5,制造工程师协会(SME)教育基金会每年向女性学生颁发10,000美元的可续期奖学金, of color, or both, 高中毕业,进入工程技术领域. 汗也有机会在SME晚会上发表演讲.

“The experience was amazing,” Khan recalled. “我能够与很多人见面并建立联系,包括这家中小企业的总裁. The networking experience was the best part.

“总的来说,工程是男性主导的职业道路,”她继续说道. “To be colored and a woman and to be able to make a breakthrough, I want to be a role model for others.”

Lending a helping hand

自从她在高中时发现了她对工程和机械加工的热情, Khan has become a mainstay at ATC. This summer, 她是当地36多名高中生中的一员,参加了由美国尖端科技公司(ACE)资助的CNC新兵训练营。. Having already been familiar with CNC Machining, Khan served as somewhat of a mentor to the other students.

她解释说:“很高兴看到人们来到训练营,看看CNC是怎么回事。. “他们可以看到你如何告诉机器去做一项任务,然后机器就会执行它. 当人们明白了某件事时,看到他们脸上的笑容是很好的.”


吉本斯说:“她非常善于帮助同学解决困难。. “If she sees someone struggling, 她会多花几分钟时间,以确保她能帮助他们看到不同的观点,并帮助他们解决问题. 她明白,教育在个人基础上是非常不同的. 有时候,和一个人在一起需要几次努力,而她愿意付出努力.”

“作为一名学生,Aliza的突出之处在于她对这个项目的投入程度,以及她在CNC方面学习一切的意愿,” said student Christian Moreno, who works at Chalmers & Kubeck in Mulberry as a manual machinist. “She’s shown incredible growth since the class first started. I’ve been able to learn a ton from her.”

A program of success

澳门新葡京博彩的数控加工项目有着良好的成功记录,就业率超过90%. 毕业生周五毕业,下周一就开始新的职业生涯,这种情况并不少见.

“This is a rigorous program. It’s all about your goals that keep you going,” Khan noted. “这个项目的突出之处在于,我可以与学生们互动,看看他们是如何表达他们所学知识的. 能够帮助别人并得到别人的帮助是很好的. Everyone is really nice.”

在课程中,学生们能够学习使用多种现代化的顶级机器. 波尔克州立企业学院在当地有十几个合作伙伴,经常雇佣毕业生, including many with U.S. Department of Defense contracts.

莫雷诺说:“这个项目的突出之处在于它的深度. “Professor Gibb is an incredible teacher. 他花时间把事情分解,确保每个人都理解,即使我们的工作速度不同.”

Moving forward

Once Khan completes the CNC Machining Program, she plans on enrolling in CNC Programming at Polk State. That’s also an eight-week course. 它允许学生在完成后成为认证的CNC程序员.

“她对这个行业的知识充满渴望,在理解机械加工方面表现出了巨大的天赋,” Moreno said. “She will go very far in this industry. 我迫不及待地想在未来读到一些澳门新葡京博彩她如何做出非凡成就的文章.”

When she arrived at Polk State, 可汗不确定她是想成为一名CNC机械师还是生物工程师. Gibbons said her potential is limitless.

“Her engineering skill, her acumen on the machines, her learning curve is like a wall – it’s just vertical,” he said. “I don’t believe she’ll find a limit in her life.”

Despite graduating from Lake Wales High School in May, 她还差13个学分就能在澳门新葡京博彩获得工程技术科学副学士学位. She holds a stellar 3.9 grade-point average.

“We’re lucky to have her here,” Gibbons continued. “她非常聪明,口齿伶俐,能立即抓住手头的话题. Her learning skills are very acute. She understands the process of machining intuitively. 她擅长将简单的指令转化为高级流程.”

For her success, Khan credits her faith. 她是海恩斯市教会的活跃成员,大视野自由浸信会.

“God has got me this far,” Khan explained. “I wouldn’t be where I am without him. He has planned my every step. I really cannot say this enough.”

After earning two CNC certifications and her AA from Polk State, Khan plans on entering the workforce before continuing her education. She, however, 她有没有把罗切斯特理工学院(Rochester Institute of Technology)作为完成学士学位的潜在目的地.

“Aliza is the kindest person – driven,” Gibbons said. “I hate to use the term, but she really is a unicorn. She’s just a fabulous individual.”